Recently, I was contacted by Money Supermarket to join them in their latest blogger challenge, 'What's In Your Pocket?' This challenge/competition was based on celebrating 'life's little wins' and it all began with a few hidden cameras and sneaky money exchanges from hand to somebody's pocket. The cameras captured the reactions of the lucky few when they found £20 hidden in their pocket. Can you imagine how good that felt? We all love that 'Oh I forgot about that!' feeling! Well, going with that feeling, Money Supermarket decided to give a collection of bloggers £20 to spend as they pleased, giving them or somebody close to them that feel-good feeling. Now, I'm a lowly third year university student so when I was contacted I knew EXACTLY where that £20 was going, to my absolutely wonderful mother. It's Mother's Day, incredibly soon and I knew that I could actually afford to buy her something lovely. My mum's presents are in the above bag and including card, pink bag and two presents the total came to £20.50. So close but I could definitely stretch that 50p! Along with the £20, the most creative blog from the chosen bloggers will win £200! If I won it'd go straight to my Masters fund! Before I leave you all just a quick thank you to Money Supermarket for choosing me to be a part of this, it was so much fun being able to buy my mum something special hopefully giving her the feel-good feeling as well!
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