Monday, 2 July 2012

Liebster Award :)

I was nominated for this award by the absolutely lovely Becca at Rebecca-Rose xo! :)
Thank you so much, my first award! 

These are the rules for the award!
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and tag them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!

11 things about me!
1. I'm of Greek/Cypriot heritage which I love for my naturally tanned complexion.
2. I love American dramas far too much.
3. I'm about to go into 3rd year of university studying English Literature.
4. It's my birthday in 3 days :D
5. I really am scared of the dark.
6. I don't really have a clue what I want to be when I grow up.
7. Manchester is my hometown and where I want to stay till I'm old.
8. I've recently felt the recession and I have just lost my job.
9. I am happily engaged to the love of my life :)
10. My wedding will be the best day of my life, but it's not going to be for a good while.
11. I'd LOVE to do a PhD in Gothic Literature but I don't know if I could ever afford it.

The questions asked :)
1. What is your favourite brand of make up?
I think it's definitely Rimmel or MUA at the moment :) I love my Wake Me Up foundation and 'Starry Night' eyeshadow palette!

2. Favourite take away?
Chinese, always Chinese. Chicken in lemon sauce with soft noodles please :)

3. Which skin product couldn't you live without?
I LOVE my No7 Soft and Soothed gentle cleanser, it's amazing!

4. What is your preferred brand of nail varnish?
I do love the Rimmel 60 seconds range but I'll always have a soft spot for OPI :)

5. Do you have any phobias?
The dark, terrified of the dark.

6. Where do you buy most of your clothes?
I usually shop most of the high street but probably New Look.

7. Which expensive product would you buy if you could afford to?
Definitely a Mulberry Cookie Long Locked Purse, it's beautiful!

8. What is the last book or CD that you bought?
I bought a lot of books for university recently including 'The Time Machine' and 'Ulysses'.

9. What is your favourite thing to cook?
I love to cook fajitas, I find them so much fun :)

10. What made you choose your blog name?
Well, I'm rather petite so I went for the word 'dainty' which I love as a word and I find that a lot of the beauty and fashion world are desires :)

11. Do you prefer the cinema or watching films at home? 
I actually love going to the cinema, I'm rather excited for the next month or so. Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises, eeeeep!

My questions!
1. Where is your favourite place to be?
2. What beauty product is your miracle product?
3. What is your favourite animal?
4. What is your splurge item?
5. Do you have any hobbies?
6. Your favourite high street store?
7. Your dream holiday destination?
8. Perfect make up or perfect outfit?
9. Favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
10. Favourite thing to nibble on?
11. What made you want to start blogging?

My nominations :)


  1. thank you for my nomination :D

  2. Liked learning a bit more about you :) I'm in my third year of my english lit degree. Hannah xx

    1. Thank you :) and cool! How are you finding it? Where are you doing it? :) xx


Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving a comment. I love reading each and everyone and always reply so check back! If you can't wait for me to answer in my reply, why don't you tweet me at @DaintyDesires, I'm usually attached to my Twitter! :)