Blossoming Gifts Autumn Breeze Bouquet (£29.99) - Blossoming Gifts
When Blossoming Gifts sent me this beautiful bouquet of flowers called 'Autumn Breeze'*, it was just what I needed to brighten up my room. Everybody loves having flowers around; they brighten up your space and having them around just makes the room look lovely. Blossoming Gifts specialise in flower delivery and I have to say, the delivery was really hassle-free. I picked a day and they turned up pretty early, leaving my day free for other things. My bouquet is filled with blue agapanthus, deepwater roses, orange scented lillies and pink veronica and the colours compliment each other so well. I really do love the idea of Blossoming Gifts; flowers by post is always a brilliant idea and with free delivery, you can't say no! I do understand £29.99 is a lot of money to drop on flowers, so Blossoming Gifts have thought of this and have a selection of cheaper flowers for under £20 which can make somebody's day as well!
Blossoming Gifts have kindly provided me with a discount for all my lovely readers. If you would like purchase a bouquet for yourself or a loved one with 33% off simply use the code BGIFTS33 at the checkout. The only exception is the 'Flowers by Post' range but that's only a little range! Happy flower day guys!
What do you think of my bouquet?