Thursday, 1 January 2015

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015

Today we said hello to a new year and many of us have decided that today will be the day that we change ourselves. I've done this every year and to be frank, I've never stuck to anything that I've said. I'm not going to say that this is year is going to be different but I've decided that my changes are going to be small, but enough to make a difference in my life. 

1) Positivity 
My other half has always called me a pessimist, and he's 100% right. I worry about every part of my daily life and take everything the wrong way and to be honest, it's absolutely exhausting. I'm going to try and look on the bright side and find something the be happy for each day. Pay a compliment, smile at a stranger, enjoy my life. It's a small step, but for me, this could be a massive leap forward to a happier life.

2) Reading
Most of you know that I'm an English Literature graduate and I absolutely love books but since I started working working shifts that find me starting at 6.30am 5 days a week, I'm conked out by 9pm. Not exactly great for a reading schedule. Now, I want to get back into reading so I've decided to read every day, even if it's just a chapter a night. I've done my Goodreads Reading Challenge and I've set myself a challenge of 30 books to read in 2015, let's do this.

3) Blogging
Back to the 6.30am starts, these early shifts genuinely get in the way of blogging, especially this time of the year. I barely see daylight 5 days a week so taking my blog pictures is an absolute pain in the rear end. I have decided that this isn't going to stop me anymore. I'm going to have to find the time to do this because it's a part of my life that I enjoy and miss desperately.

What are your 2015 changes?