Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Sealed Knot Society

Something a little different for you guys tonight. Now, we all have a hobby, most of our hobbies will be our blogs (I know mine is!) but my other half and a few choice others have a very different hobby, and that's an English Civil War re-enactment group. During the summer, these men and women, boys and girls all get together and give the general public a brilliant show that is constantly entertaining, and very informative. I'll be honest, I actually had no idea there was an English Civil War (I blame school, definitely!) and I have been to a few of these events, one of them being the biggest event on August Bank Holiday. Seriously, I've not actually had that much ever, it was BRILLIANT. They have so much going on, from the battles with muskets, canon and pikes (those crazy long sticks!) to living history. It's such a friendly atmosphere and I was instantly taken in by the regiment I was staying with. The public interaction is second to none and I defy you not to have a giggle at one of these events! If you ever see one of these events around you, I urge you to go and have a look see, it's totally worth it, especially if The Earl of Manchester's Regiment of Foote are there, this is where my loyalties lie! In the pictures above, The Earl of Manchester's were at a small village in Lancashire called Gin Pit so this was an incredibly small event, with only one regiment, whereas at a major event, up to 25 regiments could be there. That's 3000 people dressed up about to give you a brilliant show. I love it, and I love just how different this hobby is!

Do you have a different hobby? Have you ever seen The Sealed Knot? 


  1. We had civil war day at my old school and it was so much fun. I've never sealed the knot though and I don't really have any unique hobbies.



    1. I don't really have any unique hobbies either tbh, but I love the look of this one :) xxx

  2. That looks so much fun and it's great to have hobbies that are a little different!


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