Monday, 21 May 2012

FRIVOLITY: This week I love... #1

Afternoon all!

Seeing as Monday isn't the best day of the week I thought I'd dedicate Monday to showing all my lovely followers who I'm currently loving in the blogosphere.

This week is dedicated to the lovely Bex from Futures!

I've not been looking at blogs or even blogging for very long but I loved Bex's blog as soon as I saw it! She has a mix of everything going on, from books reviews to make-up reviews, just how I want my blog to be! And she is absolutely LOVELY! I've had a natter with her through Twitter and she's so friendly and welcoming to the the blogging world :)

I just thought she fully deserved my first 'This week I love...' so head over now and give her blog a gander, you'll love it!


Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving a comment. I love reading each and everyone and always reply so check back! If you can't wait for me to answer in my reply, why don't you tweet me at @DaintyDesires, I'm usually attached to my Twitter! :)