Saturday, 12 May 2012

FRIVOLITY: Chester Zoo

Hey lovelies!

Today's post will be dedicated to my trip to Chester Zoo, which was absolutely fantastic! If you're in the North-West you should definitely take a trip there in the summer :) it's definitely a feel good day out!

Here are some of my favourite pictures from the day!

How cute is this really?!

Baby Elephants having a little splash :) 


Tapirs! I love them!

Myself and David on the day :)

My favourites had to be the mongooses, meerkats and otters! And I know have a massive love for mongooses just because whilst looking at the cute little bundles of furry joy, I passed a phone interview for the company I am having a job trial with on Monday morning :D happy day indeed! 

I also had a thought on the train on the way to the zoo. As I finished Heart of Darkness, I debated if I should start Wuthering Heights straight away but I decided against it and just look out of the window like most of us do and as I stared out, it was absolutely beautiful. I saw horses with their babies and a rabbit (I love rabbits!) and it got me thinking; are we spending too much time wrapped up in other things and not taking the time out and respecting the world around us? All I know is that the Romantic poets of the Eighteenth Century would not be happy with us at all! 

What do you think, are we spending too much time wrapped up in our own world? Have you been to Chester Zoo? 

Lots of love, 
Sia xxx

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